Electrowetting on dielectric
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef _FILE_READER_H_
00002 #define _FILE_READER_H_
00004 #include <deal.II/base/parameter_handler.h>
00005 #include <deal.II/base/point.h>
00006 #include <fstream>
00007 #include <iostream>
00009 #include "Material.h"
00011 using namespace dealii;
00017 template<int dim> class DataStorage{
00018   public:
00019     double t_0, 
00020            T;  
00021     TestCase testcase; 
00022     std::pair<double, double> epsilon, 
00023                               K, 
00024                               M, 
00025                               rho, 
00026                               beta, 
00027                               eta; 
00028     double lambda, 
00029            gamma, 
00030            theta_s, 
00031            delta, 
00032            alpha, 
00033            epsilon_plate; 
00034     Point<dim> pl, 
00035                pu; 
00036     double width; 
00037     double dt; 
00038     unsigned volt_deg, 
00039              ph_deg, 
00040              pres_deg, 
00041              n_of_initial_refines, 
00042              n_of_extra_refines; 
00043     unsigned volt_update_prec, 
00044              volt_smoother_sweeps; 
00045     double volt_eps, 
00046            volt_aggregation_threshold; 
00047     unsigned charge_update_prec, 
00048              charge_smoother_sweeps; 
00049     double charge_eps, 
00050            charge_aggregation_threshold; 
00051     unsigned vel_Krylov_size, 
00052              vel_update_prec, 
00053              vel_smoother_sweeps; 
00054     double vel_eps, 
00055            vel_aggregation_threshold; 
00056     unsigned penalty_smoother_sweeps; 
00057     double penalty_eps, 
00058            penalty_aggregation_threshold; 
00059     bool verbose; 
00060     unsigned output; 
00064     DataStorage();
00068     ~DataStorage();
00072     void read_data ( char *filename );
00076     void print_usage();
00077   protected:
00078     ParameterHandler prm; 
00079 };
00081 #endif //_FILE_READER_H_