Electrowetting on dielectric
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef _AS_FUNCTION_H_
00002 #define _AS_FUNCTION_H_
00004 #include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
00005 #include <deal.II/base/smartpointer.h>
00006 #include <deal.II/fe/fe.h>
00007 #include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
00008 #include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
00009 #include <deal.II/lac/trilinos_vector.h>
00010 #include <deal.II/numerics/data_out.h>
00012 using namespace dealii;
00022 template<int dim> class AsFunction{
00023   public:
00029     enum FunctionType{
00030       isScalarValued, 
00031       isVectorValued 
00032     };
00041     AsFunction( const hp::DoFHandler<dim> &_dh, const TrilinosWrappers::Vector &_sol, const char* _name,
00042                  const FunctionType _type = isScalarValued, const unsigned fc = 0 );
00046     AsFunction( const AsFunction<dim> &_asfunction );
00050     ~AsFunction();
00056     void reset( const hp::QCollection<dim> &q, const UpdateFlags f );
00060     void reset();
00064     void reinit( const typename hp::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell );
00070     void reset_face( const hp::QCollection<dim-1> &q, const UpdateFlags f );
00074     void reset_face();
00080     void reinit( const typename hp::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator &cell, const unsigned face );
00084     void get_function_values( std::vector<double> &values ) const;
00088     void get_function_gradients( std::vector< Tensor<1, dim> > &values ) const;
00092     void get_function_values( std::vector< Tensor<1, dim> > &values ) const;
00096     void get_function_gradients( std::vector< Tensor<2, dim> > &values ) const;
00100     void get_function_divergences( std::vector<double> &values ) const;
00104     void get_function_face_values( std::vector<double> &values ) const;
00108     void get_function_face_gradients( std::vector< Tensor<1, dim> > &values ) const;
00112     void get_function_face_values( std::vector< Tensor<1, dim> > &values ) const;
00116     void get_function_face_gradients( std::vector< Tensor<2, dim> > &values ) const;
00120     const TrilinosWrappers::Vector & get_vec() const;
00124     const double operator()( unsigned i ) const;
00128     const hp::DoFHandler<dim> & get_dh() const;
00132     typename hp::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator get_begin() const;
00136     typename hp::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator get_end() const;
00137   protected:
00141     mutable hp::QCollection<dim> *quad;
00145     mutable UpdateFlags flags;
00149     mutable hp::FEValues<dim> *fe_val;
00153     mutable hp::QCollection<dim-1> *f_quad;
00157     mutable UpdateFlags f_flags;
00161     mutable hp::FEFaceValues<dim> *fe_face_val;
00165     SmartPointer< const hp::DoFHandler<dim> > dh;
00169     SmartPointer< const TrilinosWrappers::Vector > sol;
00173     const FunctionType type;
00177     const unsigned first_component;
00178   public:
00182     const std::string name;
00186     const DataComponentInterpretation::DataComponentInterpretation interpretation;
00187   private:
00191     AsFunction();
00192 };
00194 #endif